Another title for this post is “Three Levels of Self-Awareness.
In the three levels of awareness that were discussed, there was a difference between self-awareness and self-knowledge. While self-awareness was the ability to control our own lives, self-knowledge was a knowledge that could be used to control other people and the world around us. Most people who are self-aware are aware of it and have learned to control it, but for those who don’t, self-awareness is the ability to know how to control our own lives.
The difference between self-awareness and self-knowledge is also a difference between “knowing” and “knowing”. While self-awareness can be experienced, it is not the same as knowing. It is like knowing that you can drive with your eyes closed. We can know that we can drive with our eyes closed, but we can’t actually do it. The same is true with self-awareness.
The difference between self-awareness and self-knowledge can lead to a false sense of self-confidence. While we can experience knowing the difference between knowing and knowing, it is not the same as knowing it. Self-knowledge is the knowing that you are aware of your own self-awareness, but not knowing that you are aware.
When I think self-awareness, I think that I have some kind of awareness of myself. But that is not self-knowledge. That is not knowing that you are aware. Self-knowledge is to know that you are aware of yourself.
The whole point of self-awareness is to realize that you are aware of yourself. It’s not the same as knowing it. And to know that you are aware of yourself is to be aware of the fact that you are aware of yourself.
That’s what many people confuse self-awareness with self-knowledge. But that’s not correct. Self-knowledge is not self-awareness. Self-awareness is to realize you are aware of yourself. Self-knowledge is also to know that you are aware of yourself.
Self-awareness is about knowing yourself. That’s how you can be aware of yourself. If you are unaware of you, you are unaware of you.
If you are unaware of you, you are not aware of yourself. Thats the problem with self-awareness. Self-awareness is not really self-knowledge in the sense that it is about you. Self-knowledge is about knowing yourself.
Self-awareness is only a problem if you have to be aware of you. To know yourself is to also know yourself. This is why self-awareness is not enough. Without self-awareness about you, you are not self- aware of you.