You may have heard the term “loud-tooth” or “siren” before; they are not words that describe the sounds of a car, and their sound can be so loud that it can disrupt your sleep. The sound of the car is another form of the language that we use to describe other things. The car is in fact a language that has been used in some way for years now. It can be used to describe a lot of things.
Loud-tooth or siren are terms for the sound that a car makes when it hits another car. It is loud enough to be heard over a very wide distance. It is also loud enough that it can be a very loud noise to those on the road.
If we were smart and trained and learned how to listen to loud music, we would be able to be pretty certain that we would find ourselves in the middle of the night playing just about anything on the radio.
Sometimes it’s just loud enough that you can be sure that someone on the road and in the middle of the night listening to the sound of the car getting smashed might hear it.
The car crashing into your house is probably the loudest noise you can think of. While we can probably imagine car crashes, we have no idea how loud a car crash can be. However, we can be pretty sure that a loud crash would not be heard over some distance, unless, of course, it was the sound of a helicopter.
The only way to be sure that someone on the road and in the middle of the night is listening to the sound of the car crashing into your house is to put that person on the phone. It’s just impossible. With that in mind, we present you with Sweet Oil in the Ear, a song that’s been around for a while. It’s a song that’s been around for a while that starts off with the lyrics “I love the sound of a car crashing into your house…
The lyrics of this song are all about how the sounds of a car crashing into your house are so annoying. A lot of people have a different opinion of the song, but I personally think that it is really great. If you like the sound of car crashing into your house, you should really check it out.
Sweet Oil in the ear is a song about how you can feel like you’re being watched, so when you hear someone talking like that…
In the song Sweet Oil in the Ear, the lyrics basically say, “I’m getting the car and I’m watching you.” Sounds eerily similar to the way that people sometimes have trouble hearing the directions to the bathroom…
In the song, the person is watching you, or they just want to talk to you. The person may be watching you, or they may just want to talk to you.