home remedies for chafing balls

The last time I posted a chafing-ball cure, I shared a recipe for a simple and tasty homemade chafing-ball remedy. Today, I’m sharing a different solution, a simple home remedy to get rid of chafing-ball aches and pains.

Chafing-balls are one of the common ailments that I can’t shake completely, even though I try my hardest to ignore it. I’ve started taking home remedies to combat the problem, like this one from the recipe I shared in my last post. It’s a simple and tasty homemade chafing-ball remedy, and it’s a really good one too.

I’m still not convinced myself, but this recipe is a really good one. The key is to make your chafing balls the consistency of chocolate butter. It helps to cook your balls before you eat them, so that they stay together and don’t fall apart. Add some honey to make your chafing-balls sweet, and add a little cinnamon to the mix, to make them more flavorful.

The solution to chafing-ball woes is probably more likely to be a combination of these various remedies, but I’m not sure which method is best. I can recommend a good tea that will make the chafing-ball cure work.

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