ren is a Chinese word for “soul”, and shen is similar to “soul”, but one that has a more negative connotation, meaning “to cause pain”. Ren shen refers to the suffering of others, with shen being more of a “punishment,” and it is an expression of “not caring”. This is something that has a lot of people in a state of depression and anxiety.
Ren shen refers to something that is negative and difficult to control, and shen is often used as a punishment, for example, in the “gift of pain” where you give someone a bad disease or accident, and then you watch the negative effects on the person you gave the disease to. It’s also a punishment for something that you did that was wrong or bad in the first place.
Ren shen is a lot like what someone might experience after going to a big party where they forget about everything and everything they went through. They can’t remember what happened before they got there, or what they were thinking or feeling, or what happened after that. This is a big reason why people go to parties these days, but it’s also where all those negative feelings are coming from.
This is the sort of thing we’re going to see alot more of in the future, because it’s not a disease, its a punishment. You are made to feel bad about yourself, even if you don’t know why. This is something we’re going to see alot more of in the future, because it’s not a disease, its a punishment.
Deathloop is a game about being made to feel bad about yourself, by making other people feel bad about you. That’s in line with a lot of indie games like this one, but I think it’s the most true of its kind. It’s a game about the feeling of loneliness and the fact that you’re the only person who can feel it, so you have to punish someone else for it.
Deathloop has a lot of “in your face” humor. When someone is killed, you always see the blood streaming down his neck, and you wonder what they were doing before they died. The game is about making other people feel bad about themselves, and about the feeling of loneliness and the fact that you’re the only person who can feel it, and about the fact that no one really knows why anyone dies.
It’s not a bad thing. If youre the only person who can feel it, then you are the only person who can feel it.
Not to get all meta here, but as a person who has died twice, it’s really nice when you can laugh at your own death. It’s like a game where everyone dies at a party, and you’re the only one who can be at peace, and everyone else is just in a bad mood.
I think this is the feeling I have when I’m alone. It can be scary, but it’s totally normal to feel that way. I am also the first person to have died twice, and I feel that way. People don’t know why someone dies, and it’s the only fact you dont know. I think if you have to die, you will probably die alone.